New Capital Consensus: the investment system and how actuaries impact it
The UK investment system is not providing the long-term investment capital necessary to deliver net zero. Green power generation, sustainable transport, and new energy efficient technologies are not receiving the finance needed to grow fast enough. To blame is a mixture of perverse incentives, confused interpretations of ‘value’ and ‘risk’, and siloed knowledge and practices that instead promote short-term investment. This webinar will focus on the work of New Capital Consensus, a project led by Chatham House, FinSTIC (IFoA), University of Leeds, and Radix Big Tent. It is applying a systems approach to understand the current financial system’s stocks, flows, and interrelationships. It aims to use this understanding to identify the leverage points that will enable system-wide change. Actuaries play a key role in the UK investment system. This event seeks to challenge actuaries on the impact their work has in this sector and invite discussion on changes that can be made. Chair: Peter Scolley. Speakers: Ashok Gupta, Ana Yang and Professor Iain Clacher