Event Paper: Pensions Conference 2019:Pension Scheme Consolidation

Pensions Conference 2019:Pension Scheme Consolidation

Plenary, Pensions Conference 2019, 

19 June 2019 

Costas Yiasoumi, Willis Towers

 Watson David Felder, Law Debenture 

Jane Kola, ARC Pensions Law 

Mike Butterfield, Willis Towers Watson

• Draw out the practical aspects involved in considering transfers to superfunds 

• We’ll therefore imagine a future world in which superfunds are real albeit still nascent 

• This is not a for or against … albeit the practical aspects may inform your view on whether or not superfunds are a good thing! 

• Format: – Each of David, Jane and Mike will introduce angles from the perspective of the trustee board, the trustee legal adviser and the scheme actuary – No Q&A during those introductions – We’ll then open up to Q&A and debate 

TERMINOLOGY: From here, we’ll use the phrase “consolidator” rather than “superfund”