Event Paper: Impactability modelling: A worked example in Type II diabetes

Impactability modelling: A worked example in Type II diabetes

Background motivation and proof of concept using multi-state modelling 

by Josephine Robertson

4 November 2019 

Staple Inn, London

The sustainability pressures faced by health systems today will not be the same in the future. To ensure the long-term viability of Universal Health Care provision, agile solutions are being designed to navigate the dynamic problem of optimising health under constraints. Within the UK, population health management is being researched and applied. Impactibility modelling is a new development in this area which seeks to achieve the greatest increase in population health, patient experience, and reduction in health inequalities for the cost incurred. This paper details the background motivation for Impactibility modelling and provides a proof of concept model. Through a case study of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, the usefulness of multi-state modelling for the purpose of impactibility modelling is explored. 

Keywords Population health management, Impactibility modelling, Multi-state modelling, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 

Correspondence details *Correspondence to: J.L.Robertson-6@sms.ed.ac.uk