Mentoring and our Mission Series: Community, Communication, and Connection
To launch our new international group mentoring programme, we present the first of 3 fireside chats featuring mentors, mentees, and trustees of the IFoA Foundation. Please join us live to hear mentor and actuary Greg Solomon, based in Hong Kong, talk with Bradley Shearer about his international career, the power of storytelling, and the group mentoring sessions he facilitates with IFoA Foundation beneficiaries. Alumna of our pilot programme Esa Zya from Zambia will share her experience as a mentee. IFoA Foundation trustee Masimba Zata will give an overview of the foundation, what we aim to achieve through offering mentoring to recent graduates, and how you can get involved. This event is free for everyone, wherever you are based around the world, to join us virtually.
Speakers: Greg Solomon, Esa Zya, Masimba Zata. Chair: Bradley Shearer