• About this working party

    • The IFoA Life Research Sub-committee formed three working parties in 2018 to analyse different aspects of IFRS 17. One of these working parties was the IFRS 17 CSM Working Party which delivered in line with its stated objectives and presented its work in a sessional paper in October 2020. During the course of its work, it was evident that a number of IFRS 17 topics will remain open for debate and that will continue to pose challenges to stakeholders. The working party has been relaunched following its brief hiatus with revised terms of reference that would look to cover wider areas of IFRS 17 from a life insurer’s perspective. 

      Key objectives:

      Identify IFRS 17 implementation challenges faced by life insurers globally other than those covered by existing working parties 

      Identifying possible interpretations and approaches to tackling those challenges 

      Consider the operational as well as technical implications of the different approaches to ensure that recommendations are proportionate 

      Provoke thought leadership and innovation within the industry through presentations at various forums to gain wider input. 

      Chair: Wijdan Yousef 

      Established: 2018 - 2023