• About this working party

    • Statistical Learning in Actuarial Applications The aim of this research is to construct highly flexible actuarial models such as: 

      finite mixture regression models for the number and the costs of claims 

      univariate and multivariate regression models with varying dispersion and shape for claim frequencies and severities 

      copula-based models with regression structures on the mean, dispersion and dependence parameters for different claim types and their associated claim counts and costs 

      dependence modelling in risk management and sensitivity analysis 

      first-order integer-valued autoregressive INAR(1) regression models with varying dispersion for time series of claim counts 

      neural network embeddings of the aforementioned models which are able to capture the stylized characteristics of structured, semi-structured and unstructured insurance data 

      classification of green bonds using statistical learning methods and decarbonization 

      Gaussian process spatial-temporal regression models; and 

      heavy tails and extremes in spatial and temporal settings. 

      Chair: George Tzougas 

      Established: 2020