• About this working party

    The Genetics Working Party aimed to accumulate a body of evidence regarding the potential risks of anti-selection from genetic testing to allow the profession to make informed contributions to this topic. Evidence and analysis from the Genetics Working Party regarding potential risks of anti-selection from genetic testing will enable the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) to make informed contributions to the debate the next time the genetic testing moratorium is to be renewed. The working party closed in August 2019. 

    The working party agreed the general scope will include:

    1. Phase 1: Undertake a literature review and produce a briefing note for actuaries on the past 12-18 months and the near future on the current state of play for genetic testing and the regulations influencing the use of genetic testing in the UK 

    2. Phase 2: TBC. Possibly produce a comparison between the UK and other countries with different regimes on genetic testing. 

    The working party established 3 subgroups: 

    Modelling subgroup 

    Genetic Advances subgroup

    Social Policy subgroup

    Chair: Alastair Gerrard 

    Established: 2015-2019