About this working party
Build on the understanding of CI rates by researching population health datasets (in particular the Hospital Episodes Statistics (HES) data from NHS England) and developing CI incidence rates for the general population in order to provide benchmarks for insured portfolios.
Initial objectives shown below. These are still to be discussed and agreed by the Working Party.
1. To estimate population CI rates based on HES data in order to provide benchmarks for insurance portfolio CI rates. (requires the data to cover at least the same time periods as the most recent CMI CI investigation)
2. To analyse geographic regional variations in CI incidence rates across England. (TBC if geographic indicators will be included in data, i.e. ONS area codes)
3. To estimate CI rates split by types of CI to understand the impact of specific CI’s on the overall CI rates. (TBC exactly what diagnosis codes (e.g. ICD10 codes) will be included in the HES dataset and how these translate to CI industry definitions)
4. Understanding comorbidities and correlations between CI’s
5. Quantifying yearly trends in CI incidence rates (TBC how many years the data will cover)
6. To analyse variations in CI incidence rates due to other factors (e.g. socio[1]economic or demographic segments)
7. Assessing the current industry definitions of CI conditions covered by insurance products and identifying which industry CI conditions cannot be accurately identified in HES data (e.g. conditions typically diagnosed and treated in primary care rather than hospitals)
Chair: Chris Reynolds
Established: 2024