• ARC Webinar Series 2021 - Use of Primary Health Care Records Data in Actuarial Research, 9 March 2021
The research team discussed their findings on the longevity of people with major long-term medical conditions such as diabetes, transient ischaemic attack and stroke and assessed the effects of key treatments such as hormone replacement therapy. A demonstration was given of the and a shiny app for life expectancy with diabetes.
The research team discussed their findings on the longevity of people with major long-term medical conditions such as diabetes, transient ischaemic attack and stroke and assessed the effects of key treatments such as hormone replacement therapy. A demonstration was given of the and a shiny app for life expectancy with diabetes.
• ARC Technical Workshop Beyond Proportional Hazards, Staple Inn Hall, Oct 2019
• ARC Sessional How medical advances and health interventions will shape future longevity, June 2018