Mohammad Khan
Simy Prakash EY
- What are the challenges facing insurers’ investment portfolios?
- How do insurers typically manage their investments?
- How have GI firms performed with different investment strategies?
- What questions should we ask ourselves to achieve a good return for the appropriate risk in 2018 and beyond?
Simon Sheaf
Kirit Plaha
Grant Thornton UK LLP
- Overview of Part VII transfers
- Why has Brexit increased the number of Part VII transfers
- Brexit - key issues
Fabrice Felden, Swiss Re
Chris Wiltshire, Nicholas Silk, Stefan Claus and Veekash Badal
Patrick Tingay – Willis Towers Watson
Peter Saunders – Chubb (IFoA PPO Working Party Chair)
- Actuarial methodology
- Level of concern
- Reserving methodology (excluding Ogden discount rate)
- Capital modelling
- Ogden discount rate
- Reinsurance and alternative risk transfer
- Investment
- Conclusions
Peter Moore - Milliman
Vincent Robert - Milliman
- Interpreting the guidance
- Collecting the data
- Adjusting the data
- Justifying and validating the results
- Managing the business while using Undertaking Specific Parameters (“USPs”)
Laura McMaster and Charl Cronje on behalf of the IFoA IFRS 17 for General Insurance working party
The requirements
• What is the Risk Adjustment and where does it fit in?
• What are the key requirements for the Risk Adjustment?
• What are the ambiguities about how to apply the new standard?
Practical issues
• Role of actuaries vs management
• How will the RA compare to other measures of reserve uncertainty?
• What lessons can we learn?
• A possible framework for setting the RA
Nylesh Shah
- Stage 3 Professional Skills for Experienced Members
- This session is based on the Actuaries Code that is in force and does not consider any potential changes proposed in the recent consultation.