Simy Prakash EY 

  1. What are the challenges facing insurers’ investment portfolios?
  2. How do insurers typically manage their investments?
  3. How have GI firms performed with different investment strategies?
  4. What questions should we ask ourselves to achieve a good return for the appropriate risk in 2018 and beyond?

Simon Sheaf 

Kirit Plaha 

Grant Thornton UK LLP 

  • Overview of Part VII transfers 
  • Why has Brexit increased the number of Part VII transfers 
  • Brexit - key issues

Patrick Tingay – Willis Towers Watson 

Peter Saunders – Chubb (IFoA PPO Working Party Chair) 

  • Actuarial methodology
    • Level of concern
    • Reserving methodology (excluding Ogden discount rate)
    • Capital modelling
  • Ogden discount rate
  • Reinsurance and alternative risk transfer
  • Investment
  • Conclusions

Peter Moore - Milliman

Vincent Robert - Milliman 

  • Interpreting the guidance 
  • Collecting the data
  • Adjusting the data
  • Justifying and validating the results
  • Managing the business while using Undertaking Specific Parameters (“USPs”)

Laura McMaster and Charl Cronje on behalf of the IFoA IFRS 17 for General Insurance working party

The requirements

• What is the Risk Adjustment and where does it fit in?

• What are the key requirements for the Risk Adjustment?

• What are the ambiguities about how to apply the new standard?

Practical issues

• Role of actuaries vs management

• How will the RA compare to other measures of reserve uncertainty?

• What lessons can we learn?

• A possible framework for setting the RA

Nylesh Shah

  • Stage 3 Professional Skills for Experienced Members
  • This session is based on the Actuaries Code that is in force and does not consider any potential changes proposed in the recent consultation.