The impact of mindfulness on actuarial professions
- The actuarial profession is faced with increasingly complex risks and challenges in the current environment, with the consequences of the Pandemic exacerbated by the geopolitical and economic issues. The working environment patterns have drastically changed too, leading to potential isolation, technology fatigue and sometimes blurring the boundaries between professional and personal life.
We heard about the benefits of Mindfulness and self-awareness at an IFoA webinar on 11 May: mindfulness leads to a calmer and clearer state of mind, and better interaction with others around us…
What about the impact of mindfulness in the actuarial professional context and consequences on effective governance?
Join us for this inspiring event with our esteemed speakers, David Butcher and Richard Galbraith, to explore how mindfulness can make a difference to actuarial effectiveness. Richard is a fellow of the IFoA, past member of the IFoA Council, with various senior roles in the Insurance sector, as well as a coach and mindfulness practitioner. David is a mindfulness specialist, as well as having extensive governance experience in the pensions and investment industry.