Topic outline
- Leadership Insights: Alasdair MacDonald, Head of Advisory Portfolio Management (UK)
- Leadership Insights: Alex King, Managing Director Pacific Life Re, Singapore
- Leadership Insights: Angela Darlington, Group Chief Risk Officer
- Leadership Insights: Bill Smith, Chief Executive
- Leadership Insights: Glenn Williams, CEO Axa Life Assurance, Singapore
- Wider Fields: Chin Tze How, Chief Market Management Officer, Allianz, Malaysia
- Wider Fields: Embracing Diversity - Views from leading women in the profession; Eve Finn, Penny Shaw and Angela Darlington
- Wider Fields: Finance and Investment
- Wider Fields: General Insurance
- Wider Fields: Pensions
- Wider Fields: Risk
- Wider Fields: Resource and Environment - Louise Pryor, Deputy Chair, Resource and Environment Board
- Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) virtual Asia Town Hall 2020
- UK Town Hall 08:30-09:30
UK Town Hall 08:30-09:30
IFoA President Tan Suee Chieh would like to invite you to the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries’ (IFoA) virtual UK Town Hall 2020, hosted by Tan Suee Chieh with IFoA’s Immediate Past President, John Taylor, President Elect, Louise Pryor and IFoA Chief Executive, Stephen Mann. Given the restrictions on being able to meet our UK members face to face, the UK Town Hall will be an opportunity for you to engage with the IFoA Presidential Team and CEO. Suee Chieh, John, Louise and Stephen are keen to hear from you and most of the Town Hall will be dedicated to answering your questions.
- UK Town Hall 10.00-11.00
UK Town Hall 10.00-11.00
IFoA President Tan Suee Chieh would like to invite you to the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries’ (IFoA) virtual UK Town Hall 2020, hosted by Tan Suee Chieh with IFoA’s Immediate Past President, John Taylor, President Elect, Louise Pryor and IFoA Chief Executive, Stephen Mann. Given the restrictions on being able to meet our UK members face to face, the UK Town Hall will be an opportunity for you to engage with the IFoA Presidential Team and CEO. Suee Chieh, John, Louise and Stephen are keen to hear from you and most of the Town Hall will be dedicated to answering your questions.
- Presidential Update, January 2021
Presidential Update, January 2021
As the halfway point of his tenure as IFoA President approaches, Tan Suee Chieh would like to invite you to his Presidential Update on 12 January 2021 at 08.30am (UTC). The Presidential Update will allow Suee Chieh to set out his report card of how the last six months have gone - a period which has seen both the IFoA and the profession go through a significant number of changes at a time of real uncertainty and challenge.
- Presidential Speaker Series - The New Long Life
Presidential Speaker Series - The New Long Life
Drawing from his most recent book “The New Long Life” and his longevity research Andrew J Scott will outline how longer lives and new technologies will fundamentally reshape how we structure our lives and transform the economy. As well as looking at the agenda this will set governments and corporates he will focus on the implications for you and how you prepare your future career.
- India Town Hall
India Town Hall
IFoA Immediate Past President John Taylor would like to invite you to the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries’ (IFoA) virtual India Town Hall 2021, hosted by John Taylor with IFoA Council Member Mahidhara Davangere and IFoA Chief Executive, Stephen Mann. Given the restrictions on being able to meet our Indian members face to face, the India Town Hall will be an opportunity for you to engage with the IFoA, hear the vision for the future of the profession, our member value proposition work, employer engagement, the IFoA in India, and our ongoing response to COVID-19. John, Mahidhara and Stephen would also really welcome the opportunity to hear and respond to your questions during this session which can be submitted in advance during the registration process.
- Sub-Saharan Africa Town Hall
Sub-Saharan Africa Town Hall
IFoA Immediate Past President John Taylor would like to invite you to the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries’ (IFoA) virtual SSA Town Hall 2021, hosted by John Taylor with IFoA Council Members Mukami Njeru, Prosper Matiashe and IFoA Chief Executive, Stephen Mann. Given the restrictions on being able to meet our SSA members face to face, the SSA Town Hall will be an opportunity for you to engage with the IFoA, hear the vision for the future of the profession, our member value proposition work, employer engagement, the IFoA in SSA, and our ongoing response to COVID-19. John, Mukami, Prosper and Stephen would also really welcome the opportunity to hear and respond to your questions during this session which can be submitted in advance during the registration process.
- Winter Thought Leadership Lecture with Vicky Pryce
Winter Thought Leadership Lecture with Vicky Pryce
What are the options for the world economy looking ahead? In this Thought Leadership Lecture, Economist, Vicky Pryce, will be discussing world economic trends, including the differences in geographical performance and how output is recovering and where. She will also look at how to deal with high debt and the attitude of international organisations such as the IMF and the World Bank, discuss whether ultra-low interest rates are here to stay, and the huge injection of liquidity and how to unwind it. Throughout her lecture, Vicky will look at key questions impacting the sector, and aim to answer them, such as: Can the high unemployment rate as a result of the crisis be easily reversed? Will countries and their authorities manage to rise to the challenge of reskilling required? What chances will new industries, such as green to tackle climate change, digital tech, and health, offer to fill the labour and skills gap? What next for globalisation; what are the prospect of on-shoring supply chains and may the world tax system evolve? The analysis will inevitably touch also on comparison with the UK and the dual impact of Covid-19 and Brexit.
- MENAP Town Hall
MENAP Town Hall
IFoA Immediate Past President John Taylor would like to invite you to the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries’ (IFoA) virtual Middle East, North Africa and Pakistan (MENAP) Town Hall 2021, hosted by John Taylor and IFoA Chief Executive, Stephen Mann. Given the restrictions on being able to meet our MENAP members face to face, the MENAP Town Hall will be an opportunity for you to engage with the IFoA, hear the vision for the future of the profession, our member value proposition work, employer engagement, the IFoA in MENAP, and our ongoing response to COVID-19.
- Europe Town Hall
Europe Town Hall
IFoA Immediate Past President John Taylor would like to invite you to the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries’ (IFoA) virtual Europe Town Hall, hosted by John Taylor with IFoA Council Members Alan Rae, Jennifer Hartley, Maribel Vasquez Flores and IFoA Chief Executive, Stephen Mann. Given the restrictions on being able to meet our European members face to face, this Town Hall will be an opportunity for you to engage with the IFoA, hear the vision for the future of the profession, our member value proposition work, employer engagement, the IFoA in Europe, and our ongoing response to COVID-19. John, Alan, Jennifer, Maribel and Stephen would also really welcome the opportunity to hear and respond to your questions during this session which can be submitted in advance during the registration process.
- DPB Seminar 2021
- Annual General Meeting 2021
Annual General Meeting 2021
Given our commitment to the safety of our members and employees, and as the easing of restrictions in respect of COVID-19 cannot be guaranteed at this point in time, we have decided to hold our AGM virtually again this year. The Business of the AGM At each AGM, members are invited to receive and consider the Annual Report of the IFoA, along with the financial statements for the past financial period. Much has happened at the IFoA in the past year, both in response to the pandemic and more generally as we set our updated strategy for the next five years and began our work in earnest to implement it. The report and financial statements will be made available on our website ahead of the AGM, and we welcome questions about them both before and at the meeting – see below for further details. The results of our Council elections will be announced at the AGM. The outgoing President of Council, Tan Suee Chieh, will be invited to speak, and Louise Pryor will be formally installed as our President for the 2021/22 session. Lastly, the results of three votes will be announced at the AGM: To appoint auditors for the forthcoming year To authorise Council to set the auditors’ remuneration On proposed amendments to the IFoA’s Bye-laws and Rules, in relation to term lengths for elected Council members.